

New Year, Better You

New Year, Better You

“New Year, New You!” You’ve probably heard this phrase many times by now. If you're not the cynical type, you may even feel excited about fresh starts and new beginnings! Well, believe it or not, there's actually some merit to being excited by new starts. Truthfully,...

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Our Guide to Happy and Healthy Holidays

Our Guide to Happy and Healthy Holidays

The holiday season is upon us. For many, including ourselves at Sydney Strength Training, it's a wonderful time to unwind surrounded by loved ones. Good food, good company, good weather (we hope) and good times. What more could you ask for? However, some might find...

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Are protein bars good for you?

Achieving a healthy diet isn’t about rigid rules—it’s about balance and adaptability. Whole, minimally processed foods like fruits, vegetables, lean protein sources and whole grains are essential for long-term health. However, flexibility is key. Instead of...

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Small Movements for Big Gains

Small Movements for Big Gains

You’ve probably heard us espouse the benefits of multi-joint exercises (MJ). These exercises train a large number of muscle groups across movement patterns which tend to mimic everyday actions. For instance, Squats mimic bending the knees and hips to sit down to a...

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Will cardio kill your gains

Perhaps you’re already participating in Strength Training twice weekly¹. Well, what about cardiovascular exercise? To gain those heart health benefits, healthy adults should aim for at least 150 minutes of moderate or 75 minutes of vigorous cardiovascular exercise...

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Are you actually strength training?

Are you actually strength training?

Your time matters to us. In this busy world, Return on Investment is a crucial metric to determine in its simplest form, if something is worth your time. It can be overwhelming surfing social media and the online fitness space in search of the right fit for you. With...

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Do I need to Stretch for Health?

Do I need to Stretch for Health?

Getting healthy can sometimes feel like a list of chores. Exercise regularly, drink more water, get more sleep and make sure you stretch! Even if it’s not those exact words, the idea of “flexibility” being important is common. Rarely however is it stated where abouts...

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New Year, Better You

Here’s how to stop setbacks derailing your progress

Setbacks are a fact of life. However, they aren't something we often plan for or desire. More often than not, setbacks fall into three main categories: time constraints, shifting life stresses, and limiting aches and pains. They can be discouraging, and many people...

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Our top 5 reasons to Hire a Personal Trainer

Our top 5 reasons to Hire a Personal Trainer

According to the Australian Bureau of Statistics only 23.9% of Australians over the age of 15 met the Physical Activity Guidelines. Additionally, nearly half of employed adults aged 18 - 65 described most their day at work as mostly sitting¹. Many Australians are...

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Why Carbohydrates are Important

Why Carbohydrates are Important

Carbohydrates get a bad rap. You’ve heard the myths such as “Don’t eat carbs after 6pm or they’ll make you store fat!”. And although it’s technically true that you don’t need carbs to survive, your body’s preferred source of fuel for activity is carbohydrates. So, why...

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Top Three Reasons Why You Need More Muscle

“Education is important, but biceps are more importanter”, as the saying goes! Well today we’ll provide you an education not only in biceps, but why building muscle is important. When we talk about muscle, we are specifically referring to skeletal muscle. This is the...

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Exercise and Reducing Body Fat

Exercise and reducing body fat have long been associated with one another. Or, at least since infomercials were a thing! Who could forget ads for home exercise equipment like the thighblaster or abmaster? These tools claim to tone, sculpt and shed fat from your thighs...

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