Here’s how to stop setbacks derailing your progress

Here’s how to stop setbacks derailing your progress

Setbacks are a fact of life. However, they aren’t something we often plan for or desire. More often than not, setbacks fall into three main categories: time constraints, shifting life stresses, and limiting aches and pains. They can be discouraging, and many...
Our top 5 reasons to Hire a Personal Trainer

Our top 5 reasons to Hire a Personal Trainer

According to the Australian Bureau of Statistics only 23.9% of Australians over the age of 15 met the Physical Activity Guidelines. Additionally, nearly half of employed adults aged 18 – 65 described most their day at work as mostly sitting¹. Many Australians...
Why Carbohydrates are Important

Why Carbohydrates are Important

Carbohydrates get a bad rap. You’ve heard the myths such as “Don’t eat carbs after 6pm or they’ll make you store fat!”. And although it’s technically true that you don’t need carbs to survive, your body’s preferred source of fuel for activity is carbohydrates. So, why...

Top Three Reasons Why You Need More Muscle

“Education is important, but biceps are more importanter”, as the saying goes! Well today we’ll provide you an education not only in biceps, but why building muscle is important. When we talk about muscle, we are specifically referring to skeletal muscle. This is the...

Exercise and Reducing Body Fat

Exercise and reducing body fat have long been associated with one another. Or, at least since infomercials were a thing! Who could forget ads for home exercise equipment like the thighblaster or abmaster? These tools claim to tone, sculpt and shed fat from your thighs...
Zero to Hero: How process goals will take you further

Zero to Hero: How process goals will take you further

A quick scroll on social media this time of year will inundate you with New Year’s Resolutions posts. Although it’s easy to become numb to the flood of content, the advice is timely. For many, the New Years period mirrors the powerful desire for a new beginning. More...