Strength Training for Older People

Strength Training for Older People

At Sydney Strength Training we specialise in introducing older people to strength training. Strength training is vital as we age due to the loss of muscle and function that comes with ageing. You don’t need to take our word for it however – the Australian...
Strength Training VITAL as we Age

Strength Training VITAL as we Age

Strength training is beneficial at all stages in life, but as we age it becomes vital. An article in the Washington Post this week made this point. This is another example of the benefits of strength training transitioning from the scientific literature – where...
How to Film – Squat, Bench Press, Deadlift and Press

How to Film – Squat, Bench Press, Deadlift and Press

In this article we will cover the best method for filming the squat, bench press, deadlift and press. Quality footage is vital for online coaching feedback, and getting likes on Instagram! Equipment: We recommend using a smart phone, with a tripod. Turn the phone on...
Youth Strength and Conditioning

Youth Strength and Conditioning

Barbell Medicine recently put out an article series summarising the current evidence for youth strength and conditioning and resistance training: Resistance Training for the Youth Population: Part I Resistance Training for the Youth Population: Part II Resistance...
The Problem with PRs – Barbell Medicine Newsletter

The Problem with PRs – Barbell Medicine Newsletter

Here is a recent piece I wrote for the Barbell Medicine newsletter, detailing the problem with PRs. Personal records (PRs) are the best thing about training. When we first start lifting we get PRs all the time, and it becomes addictive. This is the hook that gets most...