The Problem with PRs – Barbell Medicine Newsletter
Here is a recent piece I wrote for the Barbell Medicine newsletter, detailing the problem with PRs. Personal records (PRs) are the best thing about training. When we first start lifting we get PRs all the time, and it becomes addictive. This is the hook that gets most...
New Coach at Barbell Medicine
Sydney Strength Training Coach - Rheece Stennett - now represents Barbell Medicine in Sydney, Australia as an online strength coach. This strengthens the relationship between Sydney Strength Training and Barbell Medicine. SST has previously hosted a BBM Seminar, and...
Marion on Channel 9’s This Time Next Year
On Monday August 26th 2019 Sydney Strength Training client - Marion Baird - appeared on Channel 9's hit television show This Time Next Year. Marion initially came to Sydney Strength Training to lose weight, and rehabilitate a severely compromised knee. By strength...
Sydney Strength Training Spirit Animal – Marion Baird – on This Time Next Year
Tune in to Channel 9's hit show - This Time Next Year - on August 26th at 8:40pm to see Sydney Strength Training legend - Marion Baird - do something pretty amazing! For now check out Marion's performance at Powerlifting Australia Masters National Championships. Stay...
Masters Powerlifting Australia Championships 2019
On Sunday the 2nd of June, Marion Baird and Sydney Strength Training coach - Rheece Stennett - competed at the Powerlifting Australia - Australian Masters Powerlifting Championships. Marion set an Australian record in the deadlift with 130kg, beating her own record by...
Barbell Medicine Coach in Sydney, Australia
In August 2018 - Joe Pemberton - became affiliated with Barbell Medicine - a US based company whose mission is to bring modern medicine to strength and conditioning. Switching from Starting Strength to Barbell Medicine: In 2018 Joe decided to...
Masters Powerlifting Australia Nationals
On the first weekend of August 2018, Sydney Strength Training clients - Marion Baird and Jane Smedley - competed in the Masters Powerlifting Australia National Championships. Coached by Joe Pemberton and Rheece Stennett, Jane and Marion performed extremely well,...
SST Coach – Rheece Stennett – Becomes a Starting Strength Coach
In August 2017 Sydney Strength Training coach - Rheece Stennett - travelled to St Louis, USA to attend a Starting Strength Seminar. SS Seminar's assess coaches on their ability to coach the SS model of barbell training. Rheece passed the platform evaluation, which...
Starting Strength Coach Sydney, Australia
In July 2016 Sydney Strength Training Coach - Joe Pemberton - travelled to Seattle to attend a Starting Strength Seminar. At the seminar Joe was immersed in the SS model of barbell training and was evaluated on his ability to coach. Joe passed this evaluation, which...