
On the first weekend of August 2018, Sydney Strength Training clients – Marion Baird and Jane Smedley – competed in the Masters Powerlifting Australia National Championships.

Coached by Joe Pemberton and Rheece Stennett, Jane and Marion performed extremely well, setting records in their respective age and weight categories.

Jane broke both the Bench Press and Deadlift records, as well as setting a new ‘total’ record (combination of squat, bench press and deadlift). Marion also broke the deadlift record in her category, 12 months after having a complete knee replacement (see full results below).

The whole Sydney Strength Training community are very proud of these two women, who can now lead the charge for the future wave of masters powerlifting clients that Sydney Strength Training specialises in training.

Jane Smedley (Masters Powerlifting M3, 72kg):

Squat: 85/91/92.5

Bench press: 55/58r/60r

Deadlift: 125.5r/135r/140x

Total: 287.5

And finally – the M3 deadlift title. What a great day for Jane. So proud to be associated with her and Sydney Strength Training #sydneystrengthtraining #powerliftingaustralia

Posted by Marion D Baird on Saturday, 4 August 2018

Marion Baird (Masters Powerlifting M3, 84kg+):

Squat: 45/50/55

Bench press: 40/45/47.5

Deadlift: 110/120.5/122.5r

Total: 225


x=missed attempt

Thank you everyone for your messages of support and encouragement. Here for your viewing pleasure (go ahead – laugh – I sure did, and then I cried a little😜🏋️‍♀️💪🏻🤪). Masters3 National Deadlift Record @ 122.5kgs

Posted by Marion D Baird on Monday, 6 August 2018