In July 2016 Sydney Strength Training Coach – Joe Pemberton – travelled to Seattle to attend a Starting Strength Seminar.

At the seminar Joe was immersed in the SS model of barbell training and was evaluated on his ability to coach.

Joe passed this evaluation, which afforded him the opportunity of completing the SSC written exam.

The exam questions ranged from a technical analysis of biomechanics; to anatomy; and multiple case studies. Joe’s final submission extended to over 40 pages!

After a nervous wait Joe heard the great news that he passed the written exam. This gave him the honour of becoming Australia and Sydney’s first Starting Strength Coach!

Please watch this video – courtesy of SS – which succinctly explains what SS is all about.

UPDATE: Joe is no longer a Starting Strength Coach having relinquished the credential in 2018. Joe now works with Barbell Medicine.